Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Where to Begin


I've decided to set up this blog to cover all things Kryomek but where to begin?

I first discovered Kryomek back in about 1994 when I picked up a copy of the rules from Mac's Models on Edinburgh's Royal Mile. I was struck by the complete departure from the grimdark setting that I was used to having only ever played Games Workshops rules before. Here was a new setting with a decidedly more grounded approach with believable tech and Humanity pitted against a terrifying alien menace.

The comparison with the Aliens movie franchise was striking and I was blown away by the fantastic artwork and I must admit, slightly baffled by the rules. Over the next 20 odd years I picked up a few miniatures but never got much further than painting the bits and bobs I had but the rulebook and it's expansion, Hivestone have had a fond place on my bookshelves throughout moves of houses and clearouts.

Now it's 2019, 25 years since I first picked up the rules and I have begun thinking about seriously exploring the Nexus Kryomek wars but I have somewhat of a problem of space so playing full on battles between large numbers of miniatures is out so I have decided to settle on a very small scale approach with the aim of producing a couple of very small forces, be it a rebel squad, Megacorporate hirelings, Nexus Marines or Cyclos.

Imagine Colonial Marines from Aliens with small forces dispatched to deal with possible Xenos incursions or exploring derelict vessels or even Corporate goons in search of Biotech derived from Kryomek rather than entire Centions of troops facing endless swarms of xenomorphs!

Budget wise, I want to try to limit myself to about £15 per month which should still give me a decent number of figures to paint without going mental and who knows, I may even eventually try to play a game or two.

With this in mind, I'll be placing my first small order in the next week or so and hope to post a review of the figures when they arrive so watch this space!

In the meantime, all the best!


  1. Interesting... never picked it up, but I know it since years. The artwork is really great. Will there be more entries soon?

  2. The artwork looks very promising but apart from the name I never heard of the game. I look forward to see the project take form.

  3. Apologies for the delay replying folks!

    The artwork for Kryomek was fantastic throughout but the game lives on in a somewhat zombie like state. While technically still in production, there has been no new releases since the early 90's and the original rulebook and supplement, Hivetone both have issues with missing content or poorly explained rules.

    I've been meaning to make a start with this project for some time now and maybe 2020 will be a good place to begin!

    All the best

  4. I loved Kryomek. I hope to see this project come back into life.
